

Good Shepherd Roofing


Good Shepherd Roofing experienced major success from a multi-faceted advertising campaign. Ceiling-shattering growth was the result of a massive influx of leads, overcoming their goals in every category.

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Good Shepherd is a Dacula, GA roofing company that is predicated on key fundamentals such as honesty, customer service and doing the right thing all the time. And in that spirit, contacting Rigmarole to help them grow the reach of their business was well and truly the right thing!

Big Idea & Solution

Through an approach that combined local Google PPC advertising and Facebook social advertising in the Atlanta area and with strategic improvements to their on-page website SEO, we were able to vastly outpace the goals Good Shepherd Roofing set out. We also filmed a comedic commercial, designed to accomplish the specific needs of GSR, that was put to use in many different areas.


178% increase in leads

670% more traffic to their site

55.1% impression share – highest in the market!

Rigmarole's work helped us exceed our goal of 15 leads per month by 538% and 5 new customers a month by 324%. Enough said!